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CameTrue # Stadium Disaster Meme
For over a month, possibly 2, we have had botruns which are pointing to a incident happening at a stadium.  

Stadium Disaster Meme

10-6- dimension baseball class situation barry
        -possible daughter bomb moon fighting yellow control
        -orange laugh giant sat hours scary fri
10-4-threw including beginning baseball eating stand within related drinking often shadow mon actually note ride sound become journal lying final stadium fully reality request lucidity wed bar mention september focus scenarios skill blur inline hint
10-2- stadium feminine feed danger focusing killer impossible
10-1-bus travel box decision campus categories deck possibly room football advice
9-25-man insane people placed actions amusement tears lately assistance might think stadium riding let badly toilet rest
9-24-shadow premonition system toddler insane wed tube stadium ticket die design fair jealous lily events holding record
9-7-sinking knife gab tree women hug wed brain proper camera few august july fighting crazy music baseball
9-5-camera baseball jazz fighting fixing music proper crazy band tree vampire
8-2-dreamer team mate recording bridge fun son inspired vegan adventure baseball skydiving today july wed
8-1-baseball composite fair last influence specifically unable lucid driver remember bus snakes opposite recording
7-31-piss blanket baseball mission thanks escaping calling recording lady directions app ghost removed check blue awareness trip request monster      typically raised clone route life remembered badly climb anyway interest bus

What-  a large incident "situation" at a baseball stadium,
When- during the playoffs or World Series, possibly the final game of the series or play-offs.
        - could be at the beginning, near the opening pitch, around the time the banner is played
Who- a woman will likely be involved, either inspiring or helping with the execution of the event
Where- a stadium which likely has a "tube" or subway stop nearby,
             possibly The Mets which have orange as one of their colors, are located by a subway  and they play in Flushing Meadows, (toilet reference 9-24). The stadium is new, a "final" stadium. (10-4)

What to look for in dreams and botruns?

(I could not find dreams which matched this meme, perhaps they are there and I missed them?)

Look for location clue words,  corporations that have naming rights to the stadium,  team symbols or mascots.
Look for what the actual event will be, shooting, bomb, natural disaster.  This could be tied into the blackout/ power grid meme.  
Look to hear whether the President throws out the first pitch.
Look for bands/singers who might perform the National Anthem.

Messages In This Thread
# Stadium Disaster Meme - by twiceblessed9 - 10-06-2015, 01:29 PM
RE: Stadium Disaster Meme - by *AD - 10-06-2015, 01:45 PM
RE: Stadium Disaster Meme - by *AD - 10-07-2015, 09:51 PM
RE: Stadium Disaster Meme - by *AD - 10-12-2015, 02:34 PM
RE: Stadium Disaster Meme - by *AD - 10-27-2015, 09:14 PM
RE: Stadium Disaster Meme - by twiceblessed9 - 10-27-2015, 10:03 PM
RE: # Stadium Disaster Meme - by ThePaladin - 11-04-2015, 02:28 AM

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