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CameTrue # Stadium Disaster Meme
Cross referencing here bold type are recent bot terms .
stadium meme and DWB (doctors without borders) and more-
            what are the bot runs telling us?
connecting some dots here
Bot run of 9/24
This particular run covered multiple memes
now lets get to the stadium-
'hot zones' aren't just military jargon and bio-off limit zones- they are in sports and video games too ( to park video characters and level skills)
check out the hot zones for this players batting range.

Here we are looking at dreamers and bot runs offering a potential premonition on an event horizon during a high profile series at a stadium with potential for audience (emotional) impact such as the false flag reporter shooting in VA right on prime time TV.

Cyber warfare is hot in the news and on legislators' agendas for bill signing and more internet control.
ON to the next step from hacking-
Video games are popular with the young generation (zombies) with their faces and conscious awareness glued to a device.

However, parking this to see if 'zombie' shows up
Hitler recruited the Brown Shirts, forces in the Middle East have been recruiting kids for years as has the junta and cartels in Africa and South America. Its just a matter of time and efficacy that other Western countries fall prey too.
Speaking of
young generation
9/24 run-> toddler-teen, insane shift
lets look at how vulnerable and malleable young brains and minds are to suggestion. consider the violence on the video games and punk music- rap lyrics.
How much is hidden in music beats, and hidden lyrics? How many kids do we see with earbuds plugged in constantly? What is that doing to their neural network ie; brain?
Now look at the latest 'threat' that is scoffed at, yet ain't very funny.
A photo psy-op of a ten year old boy with a rocket launcher threatening western power.
could a potential perp in any of these premonitions be a female child- teen and a blonde one at that?
-possible daughter bomb moon fighting yellow control

cross reference link-

I think we need more sophisticated software to help us out. The collective dreams are talking.

Messages In This Thread
# Stadium Disaster Meme - by twiceblessed9 - 10-06-2015, 01:29 PM
RE: Stadium Disaster Meme - by *AD - 10-06-2015, 01:45 PM
RE: Stadium Disaster Meme - by *AD - 10-07-2015, 09:51 PM
RE: Stadium Disaster Meme - by *AD - 10-12-2015, 02:34 PM
RE: Stadium Disaster Meme - by *AD - 10-27-2015, 09:14 PM
RE: Stadium Disaster Meme - by twiceblessed9 - 10-27-2015, 10:03 PM
RE: # Stadium Disaster Meme - by ThePaladin - 11-04-2015, 02:28 AM

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