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9/22/15 Dreamers are seeing something Exciting
exciting, patient, health improve, care, result, blood

Handheld DNA reader revolutionary and democratising, say scientists

Ian Sample Science editor
Thursday 15 October 2015 09.00 EDT

"The advance means that scientists in the field will no longer have to take samples from people, animals, or the environment, and send them back to a lab to have the DNA read on machines that can take days to return results. The faster turnaround time means, for example, that health workers could know within minutes if a patient has Ebola, or a bird carries a new strain of avian flu."

"If that pans out, the possibilities are almost endless. GPs could analyse patients’ breath to identify bacteria that are making them ill. Health workers could use them to hunt for reservoirs of drug-resistant microbes in hospitals. Animal hairs and skin could be analysed to catch poachers and traffickers of endangered animals. Inspectors at fish markets could verify what fish is being sold. In the water-cooling towers of office buildings, you could install a device to scan for the bacteria that causes Legionnaire’s disease."

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RE: 9/22/15 Dreamers are seeing something Exciting - by esholars - 10-15-2015, 02:30 PM

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