Well, you know, it can mean lights out or power down having to do with electricity. But what if it's more of a metaphor that means the migrant situation spinning out of control to the point of massive unrest, deaths and even sabotage of the infrastructure. Or reports of the governments not being able to afford to house the masses of immigrants, which isn't supposed to stop for another few years to the tune of millions. Then too, infrastructure can only support the numbers of people they plan for. This has become obvious in Canada with sewage dumping and cities have to buy their power and gas like anyone else and if they have to increase the tax cost of that, people may have to do without. In other words, there is going to be great strain all around.
2.1 Million Greeks Face Blackout As Public Power Company Unpaid Bills Soars
2.1 Million Greeks Face Blackout As Public Power Company Unpaid Bills Soars