12-02-2015, 03:04 AM
An interesting article related to my post. A star with a companion (it's "opposer") that supposedly came very close to our solar system circa 70,000 years ago. Would they assume an intelligent deflection - not necessarily from the earthbound inhabitants?
The negative 26% reflected that there would be 0% survival, even with a massive effort that was estimated could not any effect based on the technology available.
I recall there was a diagram showing the star mowing through the solar system. As I recall, the planets in the diagram were mostly in alignment, which doesn't happen frequently.
The negative 26% reflected that there would be 0% survival, even with a massive effort that was estimated could not any effect based on the technology available.
I recall there was a diagram showing the star mowing through the solar system. As I recall, the planets in the diagram were mostly in alignment, which doesn't happen frequently.