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CameTrue 12/3/15 Chicken
scary dig phoenix drive
I agree Eagle.  I included drive  with this  Phoenix phrase because it seems like it might belong.
 This meme has my attention!!
We have had the word construction the last 2 days. Look at this, the bot is trying making great effort to tell us something..
Today:   blocking wed scary dig phoenix drive leads early december
12-1-15- december invader volume construction knee turning embarrassing mon knocking sand
12-2-15- hole earth began helping link construction knee journey met

Ok, this is actually confirmation with different word usage that there is going to be a BIG event regarding a construction dig/hole earth.  Sand also indicated an overlap with Phoenix which is in the desert .  Wednesday/wed is mentioned twice in this botrun so something will happen Wednesday, either this event or something else.
3 days of a bot warning ...the bot is trying to get our attention. Is an invader involved with this construction dig?  Could this actually be in Egypt and have to do with archaeology digs?  We have had pyramid dreams.  Both Arizona and Egypt seem to fit the location bill.

Messages In This Thread
12/3/15 Chicken - by Eagle1 - 12-03-2015, 11:39 AM
RE: 12/3/15 Chicken - by twiceblessed9 - 12-03-2015, 08:54 PM
RE: 12/3/15 Chicken - by twiceblessed9 - 12-21-2015, 11:31 AM

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