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Several precognitive dreams that came true according to the moon cycles.
20 Juli 2015

I got driven by a woman who had her son with her to her house at the wettsteinplatz in Basel.
I see a police man who in the dream looks like a man i know from Paraguay.
He wants to make a control but i get through very good.

14 days or 1/2 a moon cycle later i am with my father in the garden of a house at the wettsteinplatz. 

26th of February 2015

I dreamt of being at an airport and saying that i have been i prison in southamerica.

102 days lor 3 1/2 Moon cycles later
on the
8th of June 2015

I am at the airport in london and i come from a journey in southamerica. i have been in prison in southamerica before. for drugs. once for 846 days with evidence, and then for 1893 days without an evidence.
i came both tims free as dreamt.

27th of August 2015

i dream of adresses and how they change and my grandmothers name was a theme

after 486 days or 16 1/2 Moon cycles

I help my father move from one storehouse to another storehouse. My grandmother also moved from the University Hospital in Basel to the Ita Wegman Klinik in Arlesheim.

Messages In This Thread
Several precognitive dreams that came true according to the moon cycles. - by L.A.S. - 12-11-2015, 06:40 AM

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