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Dreaming in Color &/Or Black-&-White~
Trapper, oh the memories! Yep, I'm not far from 60 so I do recall those things. Wow, I had no idea that some folks dreamed in B&W a lot, and that men were much more likely to do so.

Ah, dreaming of nightime, so the color is muted, I think is what you said. Like having visions when we're awake but eyes closed at night, before sleep. Also, I see two colors a lot, with eyes closed. They are purple and green, and they pulsate and move like blobs in a lava lamp.

I used to see pictures even moving pictures as I would be meditating as I was hoping to get to sleep, in dark bedroom, in bed. It was like....with our eyes closed, the background is like an etch-a-sketch background, except it's black. There's be goofy stuff, like why I may never know, but I'd see like cartoons, not colored in but sketched, little cars with a cop light on top driving up and down on winding roads, and other things, LOL.

Anyway, as for color and my dreams, they are literally always colored, that i Know of or can recall and are the same type of totally realistic colors that I see when awake and eyes open.

Escholars, very cool! Do you awaken and think about how you dreamed in B&W again? or are used to ita nd it's no big deal?
Ooh, I don't remember ever dreaming of blood. Then again, I do wonder what my dreams are that I don't remember even upon just having awakened.

Messages In This Thread
Dreaming in Color &/Or Black-&-White~ - by Nanny - 11-07-2014, 06:32 PM
RE: Dreaming in Color &/Or Black-&-White~ - by Nanny - 11-08-2014, 12:23 AM

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