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Dreaming in Color &/Or Black-&-White~
I think my dreams are quite realistic in the smell category, but can't right now say positively.
I have never awakened laughing or crying, but I am rather quiet and don't laugh aloud as easily as other folks.

Cool about you and hubby's dreams. Reminds me that my two sisters once had the same dream same, week. They both dreamed that my sister's ex's new wife which had just had a baby.....that the baby lost the mom and that my sister, the ex-wife, had to take care of the baby longterm. Ten or so years later, that "baby" told my sister that she wished she could stay and live with my sister and her new hubby.

(11-08-2014, 06:57 AM)Trapper Keeper Wrote: Nanny, I dream in both... B&W and Color... but i often have dreams that I can feel texture, smell and even taste items! These are the ones most disturbing to me as they seem so real I have woke myself by crying screaming and yes on the rare occasion laughing uncontrollably.  

My only regret is that more often than not, I wake and can remember I was dreaming but not the details... This saddens me because I believe our dreams a messages to us, though not always clear in definition but still messages all the same. My husband and I often discuss our dreams and try to decipher them between each other... Often we find similarities in our dreams. Idea

I, too am really disappointed when I awaken, immediately remember I had been dreaming but can't recall about what. Sometimes, I think about how I feel/suspect that I had so many "mind clutter?" dreams that it had been like TV channel surfing. But yeah, dreams have to be really important or have made a big impression on me for me to remember them. Therefore, I tend to feel as if I don't dream very often.

Messages In This Thread
Dreaming in Color &/Or Black-&-White~ - by Nanny - 11-07-2014, 06:32 PM
RE: Dreaming in Color &/Or Black-&-White~ - by Nanny - 11-08-2014, 05:25 PM

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