Trending: devastation sloppy beasts murder camping plain arms supermarket anger wed alien emotion call planet case hotel intense learned access football grandma trust eat place danger candle relaxed hope only russia breaking boots shouting prime power sure mix letting lake handed
Waning: awareness sign story flying men form loved tree fire circus event parts yes sun unknown calling bunny detail rain path heart 2015 yeah hug request monkey nap december favorite thanks little chain pizza king lion
<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Can you imagine the supermarkets when the world economy collapses? If you can’t, just read the first few words of the run today. It explains it all. Meanwhile, Chinese stock market has been halted today after an ADDITIONAL 7% plummet on top of Monday’s collapse. Indeed, the circuit breakers were pulled in Chinese markets…..Uh, wasn’t that a Sherriann dream? And hasn’t she been somehow keenly aware of China in her dreams in the past couple of years?
This isn’t it, though! Anger wed alien emotion call planet This invokes two different thoughts: 1) illegal aliens are pissing everyone else off all over the world and 2) Extraterrestrials are literally rolling their eyes at the drama happening on our world stage right now.
Hotel intense learned access football. This seems to infer that someone will have access to the football teams at the hotel. This might be a scary situation at either the collegiate championship or the Super Bowl.
Hope only Russia breaking boots shouting prime power. Maybe after the West finishes it’s destruction of the Chinese markets (think economic warfare here), Russia has enough of the underground war. Boots on the ground to level the playing field. I know I’m talking in riddles….sorry. Basically Russia rises to “Prime Power” status and then possibly invade other countries.
For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:
Waning: awareness sign story flying men form loved tree fire circus event parts yes sun unknown calling bunny detail rain path heart 2015 yeah hug request monkey nap december favorite thanks little chain pizza king lion
<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Can you imagine the supermarkets when the world economy collapses? If you can’t, just read the first few words of the run today. It explains it all. Meanwhile, Chinese stock market has been halted today after an ADDITIONAL 7% plummet on top of Monday’s collapse. Indeed, the circuit breakers were pulled in Chinese markets…..Uh, wasn’t that a Sherriann dream? And hasn’t she been somehow keenly aware of China in her dreams in the past couple of years?
This isn’t it, though! Anger wed alien emotion call planet This invokes two different thoughts: 1) illegal aliens are pissing everyone else off all over the world and 2) Extraterrestrials are literally rolling their eyes at the drama happening on our world stage right now.
Hotel intense learned access football. This seems to infer that someone will have access to the football teams at the hotel. This might be a scary situation at either the collegiate championship or the Super Bowl.
Hope only Russia breaking boots shouting prime power. Maybe after the West finishes it’s destruction of the Chinese markets (think economic warfare here), Russia has enough of the underground war. Boots on the ground to level the playing field. I know I’m talking in riddles….sorry. Basically Russia rises to “Prime Power” status and then possibly invade other countries.
For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see: