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Multiple subject dreams, 1.14.16, AM
Had multiple dreams.

1. Dreamed my co-worker found a dead cat on her carport.

2. Dreamed a Police Officer or Sheriff Deputy was investigating a stolen weapons ring. At the end of the dreams he was successful and caught the bad guys and lots of stolen weapons.

3. I was in a office building that also had sleeping rooms for employees. Someone walked by and asked that I join their team for a meeting. I stayed for a few minutes then I had to leave the meeting because I was supposed to be in a different meeting in another room. I walk about the building looking for this other room and realize I am wearing only a t-shirt and panties. People would look at the panties and stand at attention and open doors for me or move out of my way. I finally asked someone why this was happening and they said you are wearing the Fleur-de-lis. I looked down and sure enough, there is a fleur-de-lis design on my panties.

Afterthoughts: All of these dreams and maybe more were all one and I kept moving between the scenes.
1. I know my co-worker of course because I see her 4 days a week. She does have 3 cats.
2. I do not have any associations with any law enforcement officer.
3. The Fleur-de-lis traditionally has been used to represent French royalty, and in that sense it is said to signify perfection, light, and life. There have been times in the past I have had visions and dreams of people telling me I am a descendant of French royalty. Yes, I do have French in my family line, however no royalty that I know of.

Messages In This Thread
Multiple subject dreams, 1.14.16, AM - by Cassandra - 01-14-2016, 09:29 AM

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