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1/25/16 Tesla Technology Immanent + Gold Crashes!
Trending: chains tesla der excuse escaping layer meet view crashing gold skateboarding company sun class flight odyssey observe odd toilet success tuesday random eye private contents choice entries security grenade breath dropped partner find stress previous room profile platforms forum should
Waning: pull simple wait input sexy scary interesting trigger 2014 path vividness sign restaurant female son scene theme hotel inner wed project link daughter plot request 2015 fantastic bear fri

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
There are many more phrases to behold, but Groups 1 and 2 are the most exciting for me (or in the case of Group 2, alarming). Head’s up everybody….the technological chains that are keeping humanity down are about to be lifted. If this run is accurately predicting something big, then within about 6 weeks, expect that some sort of tesla technology will be revealed. Of course, we have to deal with two Tesla’s now: 1) Nicole Tesla (genius who invented AC electricity, anti-gravity machines, wireless transmission of electricity, and much more) and 2) Tesla Motors (electric car manufacturer). I’m hoping for the revolutionary stuff…the Nicole Tesla technology, but anything that releases humanity from the technological prison is fine with me. I was originally hypothesizing that the release would be immanent just based on crashing oil prices. One conspiracy theory is that oil has dropped only because the big oil cartel is afraid that real technology is coming out to supercede it.

Group 2 is very interesting. I’m anxious to see whether gold will weather the pending travesty in the markets, or will it crash also? Bot seems to think it will crash, which makes sense because the gold "price" is based on paper gold, not the real stuff.

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1/25/16 Tesla Technology Immanent + Gold Crashes! - by Eagle1 - 01-25-2016, 08:33 AM

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