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1/25/16 Tesla Technology Immanent + Gold Crashes!
Goldman Sachs says Tesla (Elon Musk) is one of the companies to watch this year and so on.

I believe "Nikola" Tesla, bless his soul, had it right to begin with, but was shut down. He died very poor. It's amazing to me now how everyone is looking at his works, so many years later. With Elon Musk/Tesla taking the reigns, I think we are heading in the right direction.

I read last year that there is a huge over-abundance of oil (the markets are flooded with it) and that it is causing oil prices to drop dramatically. The Arabs are still very much in control of oil and I think that's another reason for the price drop. They are competing with the US and British oil companies who have done very well. Americans, demanding to be more independent in our oil supplies - wanting to get away from Arab-owned oil - didn't realize that it would equate to fracking. No one really wants that, except the property owners and fracking companies who are profiting from it. After the BP oil spill and all the bad news from fracking, everyone knows it's bad and they are pushing for new technology... Whether they like it or not, the big oil companies will go down. At some point, the Arabs and other oil owners will no longer profit from us.

Real gold is golden and I'm having a hard time believing it would become near worthless. But as you stated, it's based on paper and we know that our money is not worth the paper it's written on anymore.

(01-25-2016, 10:24 AM)NH watcher Wrote: Eagle1, where is the six weeks time frame, or is that the normal incubation period for the bot runs?  In any event, the word "escaping" in Group 1 captivates me, in my longstanding belief and expectation of the Rapture of the Church.  Once raptured, the world will be at a loss to explain how millions upon millions of people simply vanished ... will a Tesla technology (referring back to the original Tesla, not Elon Musk) be used to explain the rapture?  That said, your speculating on new technology to replace oil may have some bearing too ... but I believe oil is here to stay for awhile, albeit with the soon separation from the US dollar to oil being traded in Russian Rubles and Chinese Yuan.

As far as gold crashing, this also fits to the transition from the US dollar as the premier reserve currency worldwide.  Gold will crash first, but then be revalued along with other commodities, to the Chinese Yuan and the BRICS system.  The Web site,, has been following this for awhile now, in their various interviews and comments.

Nothing will happen overnight (save the Rapture of the Church, that will be an instantaneous event).  But the economic transition will be weeks and/or months, but most economists now predict it will be precipitated in 2016, by more (and more severe) crashes worldwide.

Not far below "escaping" are the words "flight" and "odyssey"... Makes one think.

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RE: 1/25/16 Tesla Technology Immanent + Gold Crashes! - by IslandHippyMama - 01-25-2016, 02:17 PM

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