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Will even I remember more of my dreams, finally?!
Ahhh, but don't all dreams count for Mr. Bot? Certain words, trending, tease out whole messages. Water, boats and fishing could all mean something at some point, and the collective could be dreaming about them.

And I remember Eagle saying at one point that the targets could actually be 6 weeks out. Sometimes we get caught up in looking for the current story with a relatively recent run, when we should be looking back 6 weeks to see if any current stories were foreseen.

I am still struggling with how to have something visual that lets me scan while I'm reading the news. I think it was Shadewolf that has a Google Sheets posted, but I am lazy and like to look at all this when I'm in front of the tv with my iPad, and the iPad displays the spreadsheet only in pieces that you have to scroll thru. Kinda hurts the flow at that point.

And being an artist, I am a visual person, go figure. (Do not tell me to head west. Tell me to turn left at some landmark, and I am good to go!) Sorting, searching for keywords, etc. are not my favorite way to think on this. This is gonna sound weird, but I like to look at the runs and let my eyes go into a soft focus and see what phrases pop out at me. I don't get a lot, but when I do, they make sense to me.

And funny that I just went back to the run from two days ago (1-25) and see the 6 week timeframe being discussed! (I've been busy the past couple of days, not keeping up, so did not see it until after I made the post above).

I find those instances of synchronicity fascinating. Now what is THAT trying to tell us?!!!

I think it means that the 6 week timeframe is VERY important.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Will even I remember more of my dreams, finally?! - by Goldengirl - 01-27-2016, 06:01 PM

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