02-07-2016, 04:03 AM
Aletalete, may I ask where you live? That may be telling as to your urge to store water.
I have stored some water (distilled water lasts longer than the usual spring water, and is just as safe to drink). I have lived through a weekend without water, and I can tell you, it is not fun indeed. Losing power is far easier than losing water. Basic sanitation is hampered with the loss of water (try flushing a toilet, and we all have to do our business each and every day, usually multiple times a day). Try washing your hair, only with bottled water. It ain't easy! (Smile.)
Obviously, with the loss of water, some of those things have to go, and/or be mitigated. Keeping oneself hydrated is most important. The body's organs will start the dying process, three days without water. Any fast excluding water beyond three days is only by supernatural intervention.
I have stored some water (distilled water lasts longer than the usual spring water, and is just as safe to drink). I have lived through a weekend without water, and I can tell you, it is not fun indeed. Losing power is far easier than losing water. Basic sanitation is hampered with the loss of water (try flushing a toilet, and we all have to do our business each and every day, usually multiple times a day). Try washing your hair, only with bottled water. It ain't easy! (Smile.)
Obviously, with the loss of water, some of those things have to go, and/or be mitigated. Keeping oneself hydrated is most important. The body's organs will start the dying process, three days without water. Any fast excluding water beyond three days is only by supernatural intervention.