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Red Alert 2/9/16 Red Alert: A Trial and an Execution
numbers guide number obama vividness - I will expect a lot of stats on "numbers" to be news in the next few weeks. All types of numbers.  The good and bad of it will find the press reflecting back to Obama and his decisions over the past years/months.
Up front for today, the job market numbers.

"There were 5.6 million job openings in December, just shy of the all-time record of about 5.7 million set in July, according to Labor Department data published Tuesday.
Good news: American companies are hiring, despite all the concern surrounding the U.S. economy. The number of job openings now is almost three times the 2.1 million during July 2009, just after the recession ended that June.

Bad news: The number of job openings could be a reflection of companies not finding the right candidates. Many Americans don't have the skills that those available jobs require. It's called the job skills gap, and it has become a serious problem in the U.S."

shape public class basement expensive lesson intense mon foot environment-  I believe this is about getting out the vote in the lower socioeconomic class areas.  Some "expensive" lesson will be learned ( or was learned previously and that knowledge is now being used) by a candidate that has to do with sparking enthusiasm and getting this demographic t vote in the primary election.  A lot of foot power or going door to door is needed/used.
mantra religion persons pillar mild quality- this could be connected to the above.  If connected, someone's religious character will come into play with this "basement" class.

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RE: 2/9/16 Red Alert: A Trial and an Execution - by twiceblessed9 - 02-09-2016, 02:54 PM

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