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Beautiful Precognitive Dream, it is really worth it to follow the message of a dream
18th February 2016

Today i dreamt i will go to buy coffee for 2 jewisch boys. One boy had some raspberries in a transparent plastic bag. He wanted it to let outside the Shop. I told him it might get taken. He answered to that, it would be his fault, then. And left it front of the Shop, but also in front of the Window, so i thought i could see f someone took the raspberries. So I went in the shop and bought instant coffee. ( I felt in the dream sad about it, because i have very good coffee at home) At the cashier there are a woman and a man in front of me. But the man and I manage to pay before the woman. The woman did not find the money to pay with and i had my money already in the hand. So i showed my money and what i wanted to buy and just paid. My coffee costed 5 swissfrancs. The theme was that because I am a regular client i could do that.

And then a woman who wanted that a man has nice clothes on, when he meets her. He had nice Pants on but the shirt could get more beautiful. 

Associations (Or how the dream came true):

As I woke up i thought of the coffee i still did blend yet. I had also some clothes to wash. But as i brought down the clothes to the washmachine, i did not know how it workes... I am living in a new building, and it would have been my first washing day at the laundry room. 
So I left the clothes there at the laundryroom.

And went with the coffeebeans to the Blender at the Migros. After this I wanted to buy some good sugar, and milk for the coffee. 
And as I came to the Cashier a man and a woman who only wanted to buy a bread, were in front of me. I thought of the dream. Maybe the man would let me pass, because i had only a few things to pay and he had a lot. This did not happen. But then another cashier left to me opened, and I could go there to pay. And I paid before the man who was in front of me at the first cashier. 

After I came home, my sister who lives in the same house showed me how the washmachine works. 

A dream has a message, something wonderful can happen if one follows ones dream.

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Beautiful Precognitive Dream, it is really worth it to follow the message of a dream - by L.A.S. - 02-18-2016, 04:23 AM

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