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Blasphemed the Word of God
just a dream intention

I was very angry with some people I considered evil and had 'taken vengeance'.
I seemed to be pleased with myself for making things right.
Then in horror I heard "you have blasphemed the word of God".
I opened my mouth in horror and anguish, realizing I wasn't any better than
the evil ones I was angry with, even though I believed my crimes were far less than their's.
In the eyes of God my crimes were just as bad.
I realized in my open mouth were the mouths of 8...I had the mouths of 8 people inside my mouth.
The mouths were wide open as though shouting.
As God roared at me, I could see words, perhaps Latin words, underscored, but
I do not recall what the words were.  The number 8 is significant in the dream.

Messages In This Thread
Blasphemed the Word of God - by Iris - 02-29-2016, 11:21 PM
RE: Blasphemed the Word of God - by Nanny - 02-29-2016, 11:58 PM
RE: Blasphemed the Word of God - by Iris - 03-01-2016, 08:05 AM
RE: Blasphemed the Word of God - by Cassandra - 03-01-2016, 08:49 AM

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