03-15-2016, 10:31 PM
(03-15-2016, 06:23 PM)DLP Wrote: I got nothing to add(bad grammar intentional )...
One suggestion, though: If you don't keep a personal dream journal, you might want to start. Then, as time goes by, you'll see patterns and themes developing in your dreamtime and you'll learn what constitutes your personal dreamscape, i.e. what certain items or things represent. This doesn't necessarily correspond with any dream dictionaries' meanings. It's your very own metaphorical landscape. You'll also get a feel for the dream itself. Is it just your subconscious blowing off steam? Is there a message being given to you? Are you working something out during dreamtime?
Gee. For someone with nothing to add, I added quite a bit.
I appreciate any input you may have. I did learn from listening to Beyond Reality Radio that dreams don't always mean something specific. There is no one way to interpret what we dream. It could be signs or symptoms of a situation or residual day time occurences, etc. I am curious though and will continue to document my dreams about June/2016 for the next month and see if there is a pattern, premonition, or just a wild imagination. Maybe I just get bored during the day and entertain myself at night in my mind. It is an experiment for me and I would like to see if I learn anything from it.
Thanks for the help!