03-28-2016, 11:56 AM
Goldengirl, good point. Guess I was being rhetorical about kicking self, but yeah regrets accomplish nothing except maybe encouraging humility.
Yep, feels like this is the year to get ourselves together to be able to ride the coming storm out.
DLP, you nailed it with the dumb accidents we have when we're on auto-pilot being lost in our thoughts. Ditto!!
When I have one of these goofy little accidents and see it was my own fault for mindlessness it works its magic and there i am effortlessly in the moment, in my center.
Yep, feels like this is the year to get ourselves together to be able to ride the coming storm out.
DLP, you nailed it with the dumb accidents we have when we're on auto-pilot being lost in our thoughts. Ditto!!
When I have one of these goofy little accidents and see it was my own fault for mindlessness it works its magic and there i am effortlessly in the moment, in my center.