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Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets......
Well, that you were told something important could....perhaps...almost justify a thread about it if some of your impressions or an emotion was attached to it, but yeah, if you only have one line or comment at this time, true.

I have been getting needed extra sleep and getting up around 9am which then makes me not crash till midnight or a bit earlier, nightly. Usually when I nightowl I, too don't think I dream since I remember nothing. But....that magic of the night makes nightowling very rewarding at times. If I finally pen a book I can imagine that some of its best chapters will be born after midnight, so dangit, what to do?

I had to report today because it feels like there's much more and a bit like when we're speaking and have something on the "tip of our tongue" and then it indeed comes to us.

I hope so but nah, again not right now.

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RE: Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets...... - by Nanny - 04-08-2016, 11:57 AM

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