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Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets......
My first impression was 'evil swarms', but then again, while I don't have the vision acuity I had at 20, I've seen strange things at night when alone as-of-late, too. I have more than once thought I saw mouse-sized black objects scurrying across the floor, only to quickly look at there be nothing there. If we really are 'in the end-times', then maybe we are seeing 'bad things' that weren't so prevalent before. (I know my dreams can attest to this - I didn't used to have so many bad dreams, as I do now). I think the old saying, 'Something wicked this way comes' couldn't be more appropriate at the moment.

I am a 'late nighter' by habit, and though now retired, I still stay up late working on various projects for random contracts (lately, really long hours writing a few UNIX application programs on a contract), and I notice that even when I want to, I can't seem to get to sleep before 3:00AM local time. To Goldengirl's comments about 'staying up late', I seem to have her problem of not going to bed as early as I want to. It's like I'm suddenly on some 'Dateline' time schedule. I almost feel like there's a reason why I'm 'day-shifting' to a much later conscious-day period, but can't figure it out (seems like I keep creeping back to 'up at 12pm, sleep at 3am' cycle). I was wondering if anyone else was having this issue as well, but it's really had to ask to a general population without knowing their situation to know if it is causal to normal work or lifestyle, or if it is also out of the ordinary for them.

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RE: Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets...... - by Skeetersaurus - 04-08-2016, 04:12 PM

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