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Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets......
I've seen a LOT of weird things in the past 6 months (about how far back it started), where I am sitting alone in my study, working on something, and in my peripheral vision, I see mouse-to-rat sized black objects that are fast, moving. Sometimes almost blue-white objects too, same size. They seem to be around the floor most-often, but I've noted them on walls, around the wall-corners, etc. I guess for most they would be unnerving, but for me, I just write them off as 'bad things that don't deserve attention'. Once I realized I did NOT have mice problems, and that I didn't have larger vermin (I live in the Southwest, so tarantulas aren't uncommon here, but seldom indoors), I figured that it was 'something more esoteric'. I've had plastic water bottles (empty) in the trashcan 'pop' out of the trash, papers fall off of flat surfaces where there was no wind, even boxes that seem to be 'bumped' making some small noise (it is deathly quiet when I work, most-often).

I have a good idea what they are, but won't go into it here. I'm convinced that 'something big was loosed' a couple of years ago, maybe biblical in nature, that 'evil now builds', and those paying attention are seeing it more-and-more now, while most who don't pay attention are blind to what is happening (expecting the 'real end times' to be more hollywood theatrical' than actually being more 'exceedingly subtle' like this. If that's the case, then a lot of what people who are sensitive are reporting in dreams would make a lot of sense. They feel it, are seeing it, or have ominous portents of things that are here, that are coming, that are getting worse.

Not trying to preach, just voicing what I have seen, and how it feels to me personally. That's why I like to comment on some posts that seem to correlate, or validate what I am seeing myself. Again, I've got a pretty good idea what's happening, but if I can't change it, the least I can do is be observant of it. I pay attention to dreams, and see if they fit into larger stories that sometimes are noticeable. I have dreams almost nightly that I remember, things I would never think of or phrase in such terms (like last night when I heard 'Clostridium Perfringes', that I had to look up when I awoke - only to find it to be a bad type of 'food poisoning).

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RE: Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets...... - by Skeetersaurus - 04-08-2016, 08:22 PM

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