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Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets......
Skeetersaurus, I agree because I'm convinced that the veil is thinning and am open to the possibility that CERN could possibly be aiding evil to permeate our existence. I believe that God is allowing this because He's the patient parent that's near the end of His patience. The ark door is slowly closing, figuratively speaking I think.

No swarms. The insects in my dream seemed to number a dozen or 15 tops.

(04-08-2016, 04:12 PM)Skeetersaurus Wrote: My first impression was 'evil swarms', but then again, while I don't have the vision acuity I had at 20, I've seen strange things at night when alone as-of-late, too. I have more than once thought I saw mouse-sized black objects scurrying across the floor, only to quickly look at there be nothing there. If we really are 'in the end-times', then maybe we are seeing 'bad things' that weren't so prevalent before. (I know my dreams can attest to this - I didn't used to have so many bad dreams, as I do now). I think the old saying, 'Something wicked this way comes' couldn't be more appropriate at the moment.

I think a lot of us are haunted instead of buildings being haunted. Our family has had our share of such things. Hubby has had flip flops on outdoor tile at our home in the islands walk up behind him at dusk, and saw someone walk by a jalousie window and found out it was not our daughter that was out of sight and such things.

Skeeter, you do not sound preachy to me. You are clearly sharing your thoughts and experiences. I am enjoying your posts here at NDC.
I think both of you gals are dynomite souls and enjoy you both a lot.

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RE: Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets...... - by Nanny - 04-08-2016, 08:42 PM

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