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Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets......
Your energetic vibration is changing, that's why you're Seeing the little critters that skirt around the edges of ordinary reality. For the most part, they're harmless. They're part of the land, land spirits that just go about their business. No biggie. If you want them to go away, you'll need to craft a relationship with the land spirits and guardians so you can ask them to corral their critters, please. Me, I don't bother. Shoot, they were even part of my defensive system at our last house. Wink

But the little critters are different than the shadow critters, which also skirt around the edges of ordinary reality. The shadow critters aren't from this reality and they're here for a purpose. Mostly it's to watch and report back to whoever is their boss. They're not really sentient, as we understand sentience. They're more like little 'bots that record everything to be played back later. I don't pay much attention to them, either, although I will keep an eye on them, just in case.

We can be haunted-a whole topic in itself-but the land can be haunted as well. In all honesty, if you come across a piece of land that has absorbed the pain and trauma-think POW camps, massacres, etc-it's possible to clear that pain and trauma but sometimes it's better to leave it alone, do ceremony to honor the land and the pain it holds, then go find another piece of land. This doesn't begin to cover the land that's been cursed or land that has been so abused that the land guardians want no truck with humans. That's a whole 'nother ballgame.

Part of this has to do with the land is awakening and the veils between the worlds and the realities are thinning. Soon the veils will tear, rip, disappear, and that which has been barred from this world will be allowed free access. The Old Ones are waking. The Old Ones are rising to fight on behalf of this world, on behalf of the Mother.

Be not afraid. All is as it must be. All is as it will be. Choices were made. Choices are made. The Mother will endure, will survive. So it is and so it shall be.

There are days when my job as messenger becomes more like being a harbinger. Yay. Undecided

(04-09-2016, 12:33 AM)esholars Wrote: when I see those things out of the corner of my eyes I think of the Gravelings from the show dead like me. They were just flashed on the show but they creep me out.
I also have trouble sleeping at regular hours. I usually sleep from 2-3 AM to 9 AM. I call it the night watch, spent listening and waiting. Don't know what I am waiting for but I am and have been for years.
This is a sample of a Graveling, it is not what I see but it is similar.

Heh-that's my sleep time and I call it being on the Night Watch, too.

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RE: Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets...... - by ThePaladin - 04-09-2016, 01:08 AM

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