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Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets......
Yeah, my energetic vibration is changing all right, been working on that one! Feel as if I need to be prepared, feel as if I could be late to the game if I don't concentrate and make a concerted effort. (I'm probably right where I need to be, but the feeling is still there, probably put out there by my team, who knows I can be a lazy dreamer when I wanna be!!! They do have their task cut out for them...)

So how do you know if the critters are the earth variety or the shadow kind? I know I usually see them when I'm all alone in the house, my bf doesn't believe in any of what he calls "this nonsense", not that he would likely see them at this point anyway. I do think as the veil starts to tear we will all see them, right? But when the house is quiet, and I'm puttering around cleaning or reading a book, is when they come out. Those are probably the earth kind. A few times I've seen a faster variety, and they usually startle me and leave me feeling unsettled. Are those the shadow kind?

I'm going to be moving soon to a smaller house on a bit of land. The land calls to me just like Cahokia did. The people that lived there before abused it and left trash all over, hidden under trees and just laying on the ground. As we've been rehabbing the house, I always take time to do a walk-about and take away what I can find. One time early on when I was dragging out tires to put by the road, I was walking and all of a sudden I was being covered by white, sparkly, fluffy plant bits being blown in the wind. Made me laugh right out loud, it was magical and I felt welcomed. Somehow I know however, that I really don't "own" the land, they have welcomed me and are letting me stay there. I also get the impression I won't be there forever either.

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RE: Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets...... - by Goldengirl - 04-09-2016, 08:49 AM

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