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Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets......
DLP, yes a land area can be haunted and it's no joke that cemetaries often? are or can be so. My two sisters visited one near their church camp in the seventies and learned their lesson, they all did. (Hawaii has a lot of this and a book, I think it's called "Chicken Skin" was written, full of reportedly true tales.

The veil is being allowed to thin in increments and was foretold I believe within various belief systems that this would happen. Least friends from many walks of life have stated same thing within their own vocabularies.

Goldengirl, it's all increasing. I think our gifts are because the need for them is. I get messed-with the most when I'm alone. Hubby was alone when the most shocking things happened to him, too. I'm a seeker and he is not, at this time but where there's life, there is hope. (not judging him, in other words)

I suspect that each of us has had a thing or two happen that's so-far out there that we won't report it on a public forum or haven't yet even if we do someday.

IMO everyone, aware or not, seeking or a believer or not are going to be experiencing the metaphysical/supernatural realm, yes. (It was a blessing when an old, very close military buddy of hubby's that became a bud of mine, too had had his mind and soul opened from hubby's hauntings, etc. This dude did not believe ANYthing supernatural exists or happens. He was an atheist to all belief systems and a pure humanist. That was, until hubby shared his own private experiences with him. I think our friend's "turn is coming."

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RE: Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets...... - by Nanny - 04-09-2016, 11:59 AM

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