04-09-2016, 05:10 PM
(04-09-2016, 08:29 AM)Goldengirl Wrote: Ahh, this leads me to another question (sorry DLP, one of my tasks in this world is to be a questioner, for myself and for others). What happens when the limiting beliefs are happening real time, from people in your environment? I know I'm not always as strong a personality as I could be, and can be easily swayed not only outwardly, but energetically as well. (Being a baby empath, I'm working on that one!) But I would think you would need to somehow shield yourself from an outside limiting belief before it becomes an internal limiting belief.
I had also never thought about shutting back doors. That's a very important thought. Because a way out is energetically just another choice; like you've put out that you want A, but heck, the powers see you also have put energy into B as well. And of course, by doing so, you can end up with neither A,B, or even C - you might end up with a confusing D "All of the above" type of manifestation, that perhaps doesn't even come close to what would really make you happy!
Boundaries, GG. It's all about boundaries. They're entitled to their beliefs and to express those beliefs but that doesn't mean you have to take them on as your own. Your job is to just love them where they are. Not in judgment, not in criticism, not in ego. Everyone is walking wounded and their beliefs are a reflection of their wounds. Just love them. But that doesn't mean you don't have boundaries.
I attended a talk by a Lakota Sioux medicine man and he said something I use frequently, especially when I'm tempted to drop into judgment of others. He observed that we would cross paths with those who did not share our beliefs or ways and would try to force their beliefs and ways on us. When that happened, he would simply say, "Your way is not my way" and move on. I've used that phrase a lot over the years since I started down my path. It doesn't change their minds, it doesn't prove anything, it doesn't offer judgment. It simply sets a boundary. You're respecting their way but also letting them know you are on your path, whether they agree with it or not.
Everyone in your life is there for a reason. They all have gifts to share and lessons to teach. Give thanks for them, no matter how big a PITA they are, and just love them where they are. Who knows? Maybe one of the reasons they're in your life is to help you understand the need for loving boundaries and to develop the ability to stand strong no matter what crap is tossed your way.