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Colorado Mountains Dream, 4/10/16, am
Julie, I still think your dream has merit in things to come. So many became so socially driven to buy into the 2012 survival scare, and the prepping, while never having a clue what they were trying to actually accomplish beyond next-day survival. In reality, we aren't there to need such skills yet, but it is coming still (in my opinion).

One dream I had was 'There will be no war', but on that same night I watched a nuclear explosion and was told that 'it will catastrophically collapse'; and this theme has repeated several times as-of-late. I've had dreams of a specific geographical area that 'they will migrate to' for various nations, this location is different. I've also had dreams that it is all centered around this fall into winter. Truth or mere 'fantasy dreaming'? I don't know...but I've had so many dreams that are aligning into a larger quilt or tapestry of a singular story, it does leave me wondering. I seldom have 'trivial' dreams, they are more logical and focused like conscious thought.

I really think you are more accurate than you realize, Julie, on 'urgency to quickly flee' when you see the warnings to do so.

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RE: Colorado Mountains Dream, 4/10/16, am - by Skeetersaurus - 04-10-2016, 03:46 PM

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