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Manifestation Techniques and Successes
Sunatta, I am glad you were led here to participate in this thread. I always say that everything happens for a reason, we may not know how everything is interconnected, but it is. That said, I have always also believed in "ask and ye shall receive". But I always temper my asking with also asking for the highest good for all concerned. A bit of a spiritual insurance policy if you will, because we don't have the whole picture in front of us. Your praying for that man allowed his family to see him one last time and say their goodbyes. He may have died the next day, but they had a chance to be with him one last time. My father passed away of a sudden heart attack, and I would've given the world for a last chance like you gave them.

And for me, I strive every day to be better than before. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes not, but I've understood from reading accounts of near death experiences, the real goal is in the trying. So every day I try, and I can only be in charge of myself. We all have no idea who we might be helping and inspiring with our efforts. And you might never know. But if by my actions I've helped one other soul on this hard journey, then I will be inspired to go back at it again to help another. And another.

Hebrew 13:2 - Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

(04-09-2016, 12:15 PM)Nanny Wrote: Goldengirl, you said,  "What happens when the limiting beliefs are happening real time, from people in your environment?"

I live with this within my hubby. I distance myself from him mentally, spiritually and see his beliefs and faithless actions as if he were just another person I read online that doesn't believe as I do. I feel insulated from his negativity and go about my life with merry eyes 'twinklin.
What happens is that I have to step back for meditation/recharging my batteries because I can feel his energy pulling on or poking at me.  My stubborn self, as long as I am not resenting his opposition, remains light-hearted and blessed.
I receive blessings and things hoped-for even when he's stating that he wants totally different things, often.  

Nanny, why I didn't see this post yesterday I have no idea. Glitch in the matrix LOL. So what you're saying here is you stay ahead of the game energetically, and can then stay in your highest zone. Something so simple, yet so profound. I know I should meditate more frequently, really it's something that should be on the docket with brushing and flossing hahaha!!!! I laugh, but really, for someone as open as I am to the energies of others, meditation and boundary building need to get put at the top of the list. (How many people have to tell me this before I get it?!!)

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RE: Manifestation Techniques and Successes - by Goldengirl - 04-10-2016, 07:47 PM

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