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Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets......
Goldengirl, funny you recognized the fact I saw them 'in colors'. As we mostly know, few men dream in color ever. I have dreamt in both grays and colors before, even in the same night. I am not a singer, songwriter or artist, per se. I am an engineer by degree, and rather experienced computer code writer (though nothing you have probably ever seen or used). I am more of an 'analyst' than an artist, so I am not sure if 'right-brained' applies here or not. If you consider me 'creative', it is in a very non-classical sense.

As for 'seeing colors', last night I saw something very interesting indeed. In a dream, I saw someone glaring at me with 'red' eyes. For those who have never encountered 'true evil' in dreams, I have found that in preponderance, most often demon-like things have yellow eyes. They tend to be most unhappy (saying it mildly) with me if they see me in a dream. I treat them like ants on a sidewalk and ignore them, and go on. If a dream begins to involve me personally in an uncomfortable way, I pry myself from it and get up to get a drink or go to the bathroom (a trick I learned as a young man, to keep from bad dreams turning into horror). To say I have some minor amount of conscious control over my sleep in this fashion is about as close as I can get to explain it.

However, the being I saw with red eyes was quite a new thing. To this, I still say that what I saw was 'more than some minor demon', and to say that he seemed 'very unhappy with me' would also be an understatement. I think all of this ties back to the comment about 'the veil'. While there is a veil, I think that some of this is being interpreted incorrectly. I am not as sure that 'the veil is lifting' as that the clock is on its last few seconds of countdown before it is over. I think the 'veil' will lift in a day, not slowly fade or thin. I think what we are seeing is evil bum-rushing the stage trying to stop the curtain from rising, and as such, we are being overwhelmed with what was dispersed and sedentary 'things' that weren't active before. They are awakening and trying to keep the curtain from going up. (to give a broadway stage analogy).

Just my take on it...I've been wrong before, too.

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RE: Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets...... - by Skeetersaurus - 04-11-2016, 02:47 PM

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