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Manifestation Techniques and Successes
(04-11-2016, 08:43 PM)Sunatta Wrote: so where does one start with the healing of ones self?  I suppose it is dragging up that old baggage and letting it pass away, but how?  I had received an native american anger ceremony to help me let go of that which has bothered me.  Healing ones self, the ever present desire to ensure that others do not think I was given what I have, so I tend to work far too hard (got 11 hours in today) and leave myself open to others taking advantage of me.  That then leads to anger that it happened again, and whom am I more upset with, generally myself and yet also let down by my fellow humans.

Really wish I could find the email that had the process disclosed so I could let that part of me die and be reborn without that baggage.

Sometimes you need help with the healing and even asking for help is part of the healing process. There are a lot of modalities that work for the deep healing that is sometimes needed but the key is to find someone who walks in integrity. There are plenty of gifted and talented healers out there who come from a place of ego rather than a place of love and being of service. Always listen to your gut and heart on this. If you get a squicky feeling from someone, don't hesitate to walk away.

The really cool thing about this, though, is you don't have to be on someone's table to work on the healing. It's all quantum and the energy is instantaneous. The shaman I call on to help me when I something crops up is in another state and we work together via Skype.

If you're serious about working on your healing, put it out there to the universe/spirit/God/Creator that you need someone to help you and a healer will be provided and you'll have got practice on manifesting.

(See what I did there? Big Grin )

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RE: Manifestation Techniques and Successes - by ThePaladin - 04-12-2016, 03:49 AM

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