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Interesting Dream About Cable Boxes
(04-16-2016, 02:02 PM)Goldengirl Wrote: Wouldn't surprise me one bit. The technology is there, but we still pretend they won't use it on us. Sigh.

Goldengirl, I couldn't agree with you more. I have worked in various technology fields for 30 years, and have done and seen things that most people couldn't fathom (as to how we got there, how it was designed, or in a lot of situations, why it didn't become a mainstream product but instead we let the technology die).

If you try to explain to people that we can and do intentionally manipulate weather with ionosphere energy bursts, they label you a conspiracy nut, but in the same breath they tell you that they need to heat something up in the microwave, not realizing that it is the same technology principle (particles used to induce molecular vibration to make the target's particles vibrate faster to produce heat) as ionosphere energy beams. You tell them that the government is violating 5 Constitutional Amendments to 'beat terrorism' and they don't have a problem giving up their rights, when they never even stop to ask 'if you are doing it to fight terrorism, why are you primarily deploying it in our own nation first instead of overseas where the terrorists are?' And my favorite one, is that you have a 2,000 mile border to the south that you politically don't want to consider defending, but you are body-cavity searching children at airports via the TSA - can you explain that reasoning to me in some sense of logic I can understand?

Anyone with a brain can see the real answer. Our government has recognized the enemy, and has now targeted the enemy with everything they can justify throwing at it. They just didn't care to tell any of us, that the enemy they have identified is us, the citizen.

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RE: Interesting Dream About Cable Boxes - by Skeetersaurus - 04-16-2016, 05:15 PM

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