The thing that bothers me about this news story, is this was filmed in 2015....
Yet they just released it this year, because they were investigating it?
Is that why the deliberately took all of the seismographs at yellow stone off line, so they can investigate what is going on with out notifying the general public, because they are afraid people would be become afraid?
Who is making these decisions, FEMA?
Makes you realize that it is not just the crabs that know something that the rest of us do not know, which is why so many people are having deep dreams. We are being put on notice, but very few are actually listening, who are not already in the know.
Yet they just released it this year, because they were investigating it?
Is that why the deliberately took all of the seismographs at yellow stone off line, so they can investigate what is going on with out notifying the general public, because they are afraid people would be become afraid?
Who is making these decisions, FEMA?
Makes you realize that it is not just the crabs that know something that the rest of us do not know, which is why so many people are having deep dreams. We are being put on notice, but very few are actually listening, who are not already in the know.