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Perimeter Sensors and Not Being Heard
Wow thanks Skeeter and Nanny! These dreams were unusual for me because 1. They were so detailed, and 2. The first one was just not my usual type of dream. I'm usually some form of myself, it's rare that I would be doing something so unexpected in such an unusual environment. And when I saw the coffins at the bus stop, I was more annoyed they hadn't been removed yet, than I was disturbed.

In dream two I was completely frustrated, because whatever I was trying to say was important, and I felt like here I was trying to help, and they were all just business as usual, like Skeeter said. Even in the first dream, the people at the resort were not to be bothered by whatever was going on, which necessitated secure borders and was resulting in some very dead citizens.

And Nanny, sometimes I've been successful in revisiting, and sometimes not. These days I'm just completely pumped that I had and remembered two such dreams in a morning! But it's an excellent idea to incubate. Big Grin

(04-17-2016, 06:31 PM)Skeetersaurus Wrote: Nanny, I have heard 'this winter' many times for the past 18 months or so. I am not sure what the indictment is about, but I keep getting a feeling that 'it changes by this winter', and I have gotten a lot of 'fiery explosion' images with this (my prevailing concept is a giant volcano, but there are other images that make me think asteroid too). This is much akin to the dream I had where I heard, 'there will be no war allowed'.

I also think DLP is the one who posted the link about Yellowstone and the USGS turning off direct access to their seismic park sensors too, while many are picking up greatly increased activity.  I still say that while men and governments especially, tend to seek war for profits, that this time, something natural is going to one-up them - and the seismic sensors are the first thing I thought of reading golden-girl's dream.  Maybe it is a validation of a volcanic event?

Skeeter, the fact that you've heard "this winter" is freaking me out a bit. Like I said, usually my dreams aren't this detailed nor so long. Maybe whoever posted that link about Yellowstone can find and re-link here too, as I would find that interesting all by itself. I wouldn't even know where my brain came up with perimeter sensors.

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RE: Perimeter Sensors and Not Being Heard - by Goldengirl - 04-17-2016, 06:56 PM

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