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Doris Day and retro subways
DLP, you bring up yet another good point, and that is 'what we look like in these dreams'. Even when I was young (12-17), I saw me 'walking the Mad Max life') at about 40-45, or so I appeared. I was also a 'runt' when young. Slender, small, frail. I would dream these dreams of me being LARGE, looking serious, stern, heavy beard, salt-and-pepper hair color. It just didn't fit. Now, looking 60 right in the eyes, I see those dreams differently of what I can remember. I'm 6'5" tall, around 300-lbs of 'old linebacker', salt-and-pepper hair, hard carved jaw and cheeks, and a very heavy beard (when I let it grow out, I could pass for a super-sized Sam Elliott...shaving involves a serious 'mowing job' from eyeballs to chest). A far-removed image compared to that scrawny beanpole I was as a child.

The dreams fit now, but I've noticed that I now look older, in the mirror, than what I looked like in those dreams. Closest I came to still looking like those dreams was maybe 2005-2007? It's like something changed, and those events were postponed (note, I did not say halted, and I feel that - merely 'postponed', like maybe all the pieces aren't in place, or the story is getting a 'wrapping-up' end 're-write').

I had also seen, what I now presume, to be several 'potential' end-time timelines. I have seen me going door-to-door in an abandoned post-apocalypse world, foraging abandoned-house-to-abandoned-house for cans of foodstuffs - but I have also seen me trying to build some sort of 'refuge' for a small group. I remember a dream some 3-decades ago, where I had taken a bunch of kids to an abandoned adobe house/school house in the middle of nowhere near the border, and left them with a woman (appeared to be mescalero Apache in complexion) who had been a nurse, for her to 'orphanage' them there. I would take all the supplies I could get to them, too. I was seldom there, but I remember telling her 'to take care of them, this place is in the middle of 'nowhere, squared', and the 'bandits' will not find you or them here - they won't expend food, fuel or energy to come this far out looking for what should not be here anyway'. I remember the place had a shallow well that still had good water, and that they could bucket from, too.

Then again, I've seen me trying to go north into western Colorado, and the bridges all being destroyed so that a truck could not drive it - and in such a remote place, that there was no way around the destroyed infrastructure. (earthquake?) I've also seen one vastly-different image once, where I was old, maybe 70, and had a small cottage near water in a boreal forest (reminded me of places I've seen in the Oregon/Washington Cascades). People would rarely wander through, stay for a while, and me and a lady who was with me (unknown?) would teach them how to tend animals, grow gardens, protect food caches, etc...that did not tie into any other dream or vision I have had.

Multiple potential 'end-time' stories? Possibly. Maybe it's just that a 'best-fit' for me can't be found. Maybe there are others like this. I can't really resolve this definitively. I know that I have never looked east of Amarillo, south of San Antonio, or Northeast of Dodge City, KS. It's like 'it isn't there to even consider - it is all gone'. I know there was a protected place North-northwest of me several hundred miles that would have been 'ideal', but due to collapsed infrastructure, I could not get there. I always got the perception that it was somewhere near the Boise, ID valley area (everywhere else in that region gets bitter cold in Winter, but that valley stays pretty-warm). I know that the volcanoes in Wyoming, Washington and Oregon are foregone conclusions that mass devastation would utterly destroy most everything circling that point. It's almost like (from what I have seen) that there is a 'creator-intent' to make an island out of the area that is right-now, Boise, Idaho.

This is what I have seen hundreds of times in various ways, anyway.

Messages In This Thread
Doris Day and retro subways - by esholars - 04-25-2016, 10:00 AM
RE: Doris Day and retro subways - by ThePaladin - 04-25-2016, 01:09 PM
RE: Doris Day and retro subways - by *AD - 04-25-2016, 02:06 PM
RE: Doris Day and retro subways - by ThePaladin - 04-25-2016, 03:32 PM
RE: Doris Day and retro subways - by Cassandra - 04-25-2016, 03:17 PM
RE: Doris Day and retro subways - by ThePaladin - 04-25-2016, 04:20 PM
RE: Doris Day and retro subways - by *AD - 04-26-2016, 01:29 AM
RE: Doris Day and retro subways - by ThePaladin - 04-26-2016, 01:51 AM
RE: Doris Day and retro subways - by *AD - 04-26-2016, 06:04 PM
RE: Doris Day and retro subways - by ThePaladin - 04-26-2016, 04:17 AM
RE: Doris Day and retro subways - by Skeetersaurus - 04-26-2016, 11:03 AM
RE: Doris Day and retro subways - by *AD - 04-27-2016, 02:03 AM

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