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Midday Nap - You Wanted to Know
I was tired, and laid down for a short nap this afternoon. It wasn't long, before I was asleep.

I hear the simple phrase, 'you wanted to know', and then I see a giant swamp - as far as the eye could see. It was hot, muggy, misty, almost primordial. I look to the 'north' (feels like north), and see a city - but the city (through the overgrown spanish moss and hanging green vegetation) looks like it was hit with a nuclear weapon, or has been nearly destroyed by war. I can't see much of it, because of all the trees and vegetation. I am standing in a swamp, with shallow, very-clear water, mud, crickets and bugs making noise - and hear, 'they won't be here at this time'.

I feel like the city I see is Birmingham, Alabama, and I'm not sure why (I've never been there).

It was so overwhelming, so realistic, I felt like sweating! I then hear one more thing, 'look at the ground, it will shake first'.

So...I wake up (hard to sleep after that one), and find the USGS site. I look at their seismic events map, and found the '7-day historical events' map amazing - it shows a ring of earthquakes around the area I thought I saw in the 'on-the-ground' image. I grabbed a capture, marked it up, and put it up so that I could share the link:

Messages In This Thread
Midday Nap - You Wanted to Know - by Skeetersaurus - 05-01-2016, 05:12 PM
RE: Midday Nap - You Wanted to Know - by Iris - 05-01-2016, 08:59 PM

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