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Midday Nap - You Wanted to Know

I live in the south.   Spanish moss only grows just so far north.  Birmingham is a mountain city!
There are mountains up to 1800 feet high surrounding the city.    No swamps.  The capital of Alabama, Montgumery, is just in the swamp and moss belt.   Anywheres south of that is in this area and by the way the swamp and moss area extends from east Texas to northeast North Carolina.  Over 1000 miles of jungles and swamps.     There are costal cites all along this belt.  Mobile, New Orleans, Charlestown, and where I live, tallahassee, Florida.   One could indeed stand in a swamp and look north to see my city.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Midday Nap - You Wanted to Know - by Freestonew - 05-01-2016, 07:29 PM
RE: Midday Nap - You Wanted to Know - by Iris - 05-01-2016, 08:59 PM

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