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Midday Nap - You Wanted to Know
Iris, I marked that (quickly) because I keep feeling something about that line (not the Madrid Fault) was somehow related to the 'western limiter' to whatever event hit that central southern area which caused the 'swamp'.

Hard for me to address it much better, as I am in the border-area of the Desert Southwest...I can only go by what I saw and felt otherwise. Freestone, if I am understanding him correctly, is saying that Montgomery may be what I perceived to be Birmingham - but then again, as I looked north, I could see that all areas within a 500-mile radius were 'sunken', to the border of Kentucky...(as always, you seem to know more in dream-state than in waking time), so I can only write what I saw.

I get the impression this hits a MAJOR area of the land, roughly within that red area for sure, and a significant part of that orange circle is seriously affected by it, as well. It will NOT be a Madrid event mimicking the 1812 event, but something slightly eastward - and much more major.

By the way, regardless of mountains now, after this event, the place is flatter than Kansas. Mountains or none right now, it is ALL a depressed swamp. Something BIG is hidden beneath that land area, cavernous, and collapses, taking everything above down with assuming that 'mountains there now' implies safety is a false security, I feel.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Midday Nap - You Wanted to Know - by Iris - 05-01-2016, 08:59 PM
RE: Midday Nap - You Wanted to Know - by Skeetersaurus - 05-01-2016, 09:12 PM

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