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Solar company Caught Gambling?
Thank you for this info. and I darn sure do like knowing, I mean I appreciate you telling me.

I wonder if I have welcomed you here to NDC yet. Hope you'll want to participate on many other threads, bring your own dreams and help us analyze others' dreams, the dreambot runs and current events, etc.
We are all blessed when folks choose to do so. No shyness needed at NDC.

(05-04-2016, 12:28 PM)Akwyldeflwr Wrote: Hey Nanny!

I have seen the name of the company you mentioned in your dream in two different countries when I was over in Asia, but it is just spelled slightly different.

The first is the Fukui Solar Company in Hebei, China. The second is the Fukui Solar Plant in Fukui-ken, Japan (which is about 200 miles north of the Fukishima Nuclear Plant).

Just thought you would like to know.?

Really?! thanks for more helpful info. here.

I was amused at the solar name on the sign in the dream, but not in the dream.

Also, WELCOME to NDC if I haven't gotten to do so. This grand experiment would cease to be were it not for those of us participating. Thank you and please feel welcome and free to post on any or all public threads, helping us brainstorm what dreams may be saying, the dreambot runs, etc.

(05-04-2016, 12:59 PM)Maat Wrote: There is a Yi Solar company in China and Fuk is a Chinese last name.

Skeeter, yes it has been and am wondering why this dream and why, now. My dreamland has taken on major changes. I am remembering a good number of them and they're all warning and/or prophetic in type. Dunno why but I'm taking note. I am wondering if we have a major headline coming that's about or attached to this type of problem where current admin. has put the screws to us yet again since so many companies have already failed. What was the gamble that may make news since this type of thing indeed is old-hat.

Oh yeah, about her digging....great metaphoric bit if this dream comes true. But, what all may it be saying??

Messages In This Thread
Solar company Caught Gambling? - by Nanny - 05-04-2016, 10:44 AM
RE: Solar company Caught Gambling? - by Nanny - 05-04-2016, 02:33 PM
RE: Solar company Caught Gambling? - by Maat - 05-04-2016, 12:59 PM
RE: Solar company Caught Gambling? - by Nanny - 05-04-2016, 08:16 PM
RE: Solar company Caught Gambling? - by Nanny - 05-04-2016, 08:31 PM

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