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Desert Market, 5.8.16, am
Start of Dream. I am driving in W. TX and come upon what looks like a Market of tent looking structures. They look very nice like someone went to a lot of effort putting this together. Then I am in the market walking around and notice that I am in the food tent. There are people in booths cooking and selling different types of food. I move on to the next tent and there are booths selling alcoholic beverages. This is the tent with the most people in it which makes me laugh. Then I look around and see other tents with various goods for sale. It is a very happy place. I go back to the food area to order something to eat.

Then I see my ex's brother and his wife and we talk. They are concerned about a member of their family, a young woman. After talking for a while I said goodbye and went back to the tent area. I went into the alcohol area and sat down at one of the bars. I asked the bar tender if he could make me something without alcohol. This caught the attention of the person next to me. I told him I don't drink alcohol but liked the drink flavors. Then I started talking with other people in the bar but can't remember what we spoke about. End of dream

Afterthoughts: I woke with the need to pray for this young woman, whoever she may be. Love the happy market place.

Messages In This Thread
Desert Market, 5.8.16, am - by Cassandra - 05-08-2016, 09:10 AM
RE: Desert Market, 5.8.16, am - by Skeetersaurus - 05-08-2016, 11:57 PM
RE: Desert Market, 5.8.16, am - by Cassandra - 05-09-2016, 08:16 AM
RE: Desert Market, 5.8.16, am - by Skeetersaurus - 05-09-2016, 01:36 PM

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