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Green Energy Field, 5/15/16, afternoon
Thanks for the info on the Green Energy. It got me to thinking about what our Spirits know that our mind doesn't. Can you imagine the people we could help if we could fully integrate our Spirits with our human mind selves? Way back when, in the very beginning we were that way. We had the ability to regenerate our body parts if needed. We could see the energy around us and manipulate it as needed. It was an awesome way to live. There was no violence because we were telepathic and when someone was feeling out of sorts, we would feel it and help them before the emotion got out of control. The society was all about helping each other to be the best we could each be. Woa, went down memory lane there for a min.
I do pray we will one day be able to go back to that way of living.

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RE: Green Energy Field, 5/15/16, afternoon - by Cassandra - 05-17-2016, 08:06 AM

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