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6/11/16 A Halloween-style Attack
Trending: hose sally spider witch fight spirit exam helping hear lost fri reported attacking saturday taylor tend heavy high glasses glass likely yell hitting creature starting pocket yard haunted puppies alive
Waning: dancing great random special team frustrated journal care grass hair afraid always church dreamed late dress attempt mon sun days

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
The caution words almost sound like Halloween.

How the heck does Taylor keep inundating us? Also, it is unusual for GLASS and GLASSES to be right next to each other, especially considering that these two words are rarely used together in sentences unless it’s talking about the drinking vessels. Therefore, I’m thinking the bot is more concerned with glass cups rather than eyeglasses or windows.

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Messages In This Thread
6/11/16 A Halloween-style Attack - by Eagle1 - 06-11-2016, 09:02 AM
RE: 6/11/16 A Halloween-style Attack - by Eagle1 - 06-12-2016, 11:18 AM

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