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Knock, Knock , Knock 6.13.16 am
Quote:The black eyed kids always ask, I should say insist, to be let in. Some of them have reportedly gotten quite angry when denied. Makes me shudder to wonder about the folks who have let them in.....

I know the black-eyed girl in my dream was very insistent about wanting to talk to my grandson and she was prepared to do something when I wouldn't let her pass. The only reason she stopped is I took action, which I suspect she didn't expect.

Quote:What you read about seeing relatives or friends that have passed on is correct. In one incident I saw a friend that had passed on. When I tried to talk with her, she said, "we are not supposed to be talking" and she continued about her business. I saw her a couple of times after that but I never tried talking with her again.

Part of my gig is seeing and interacting with those who have left this reality. Sometimes they talk, sometimes they don't. I don't see or hear my grandfather but I smell him when he comes around. He always smelled of the wintergreen candies he carried around with him so when I smell wintergreen, I know it's Grandpa checking on me. If I smell cigarette smoke-no one in the family smokes-I know it's a particular friend who was a smokestack when he was alive stopping by for some reason.

There's an elderly Latina woman sitting in a rocker in the cemetery I drive by. She greets me in Spanish every time I go by. I greet her in English. Neither of us speak each other's language yet we manage to communicate, a fact which causes great hilarity with both of us.

If they're not talking, they have their reasons. I seldom see or hear from my mother unless something important comes up. Once when I went to ask her a question, she was scurrying about and was quite blunt about being too busy to deal with me right then. Just 'cause they're dead doesn't mean they don't have work to do or that they suddenly become "nice" people. Big Grin

Messages In This Thread
Knock, Knock , Knock 6.13.16 am - by Cassandra - 06-13-2016, 08:31 AM
RE: Knock, Knock , Knock 6.13.16 am - by ThePaladin - 06-14-2016, 04:06 PM

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