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Kiss Misconstrued within Political Team
I was looking for a job and, wearing my power navy skirted suit with white blouse, went to the large bank downtown on a whim. Sunny beautiful day, no need for a coat and not hot, just very pleasant weather. When I introduced myself to HR, they were thrilled to see me and seemed to know who I was, and quickly arranged an interview for me with the CEO. Rather than interviewing me, he was selling me on the job.

I started the job immediately, and very quickly, same day perhaps, I was asked to lead the technology team for the independent presidential candidate running against Hillary and Donald. I was not politically inclined, but was an honest ethical and talented leader and I was happy to serve. I made it clear to the candidate that I was not aligned with any of the political parties including his, and he was not concerned about that. I was introduced to the staff and was pleasantly surprised to find many talented men I had recruited many years ago to a different company to now be on the team as well. There were hugs and handshakes and even a few kisses as we greeted each other. To me the kisses were not sexual in nature, just a happy greeting. I realized that disturbed some, but I did not give it a second thought.

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Kiss Misconstrued within Political Team - by Iris - 08-07-2016, 11:17 AM

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