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CameTrue 7/29/16 Red Alert: Eagle Dies in an Explosion!
#Cametrue again
firing eagle death major 2016 explosion live sometimes die tiny horrible gas prime foot.  After discovering today that the Eagle is also a symbol for Syria, I thought I would review this run to see if something else fit.  It does, in a big way.  Not only do we have a second #cametrue above with gas, it is more recent. In this case, I believe Eagle is Syria.  The area of Aleppo would be prime foot. The last few links will explain why prime fool fits with this run so well.

Explaining the significance of Aleppo
(articles are 4-11 months old, but informative on the subject).

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RE: 7/29/16 Red Alert: Eagle Dies in an Explosion! - by twiceblessed9 - 09-20-2016, 03:40 PM

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