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3/7/17 Frustration with Managing Putin
(03-09-2017, 04:07 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: march village frustration manage putin rats 2017- the constant need to manage the Russian meeting is never ending.  The village (white house or even GOP) is beyond frustrated.
Thanks Unioncraftsman. I always enjoy reading what your thoughts are on our dreambot runs.

Thanks TB9, likewise....   So, I guess I was thinking the words in the phase  "brother ajax grand deep init extremely bible needed along hid" is this:

Ajax = Trump

Brother Ajax = Steve Bannon

Init = Deamon[s]Needed = Embitter our parting

Along = In company

I'm adding this to my post, I was to tried and needed some sleep last night and wasn't think very clearly. Nothing new and just use sleep as an excuse! LOL. DLP could very well be correct...we could be looking at an upcoming AI issue...Both ajax and init are computer or web based terminologies. And as you pointed out TB9, the Russians have very active in using computer hacking lately.

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RE: 3/7/17 Frustration with Managing Putin - by unioncraftsman - 03-09-2017, 11:01 PM

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