05-06-2017, 09:30 AM
I agree with you on the meaning of our dreams. I've even tried to program mine by telling myself before
going to bed that I will only have dreams that I can understand. (didn't work) ugggggggh !!
She had me on the phone numerist times that day. I've avoided posting what she has said so far, so as
not to maybe ' direct or lead' others into thinking / dreaming the same outcome. And like I said above,
ask 5 people and get 4 different ideas.
I think Its best to leave everyone a 'clean slate' . thanks for the remarks.
going to bed that I will only have dreams that I can understand. (didn't work) ugggggggh !!
She had me on the phone numerist times that day. I've avoided posting what she has said so far, so as
not to maybe ' direct or lead' others into thinking / dreaming the same outcome. And like I said above,
ask 5 people and get 4 different ideas.
I think Its best to leave everyone a 'clean slate' . thanks for the remarks.