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Prepping for massive solar flare storm
(09-17-2017, 07:59 AM)Iris Wrote: My dream was present day United States. The day was sunny and warm, people were wearing shorts and short sleeve shirts.
Everyone was preparing for a massive burst of radiation about to hit. There was no talk of the source but my non-dream mind thought solar flares would be the cause.  Schools let the children out early and I watched the neighborhood children get off the bus. I was concerned about 1 household as I didn't think they had enough safe places for their 3 children.

We were charging all the battery devices as we prepped. Electronics such as laptops, tablets and phones and backup storage devices  were going into microwaves, refrigerators and other heavy metal appliances. I started to remove all the refrigerator contents from our 2 refrigerators, sweeping everything onto the floor  so we could be inside when the radiation storm hit.  

We understood the storm would last 2 hours, which was early afternoon EST on a weekday. I kept my eye on the clock as only a few minutes remained.   Children would be the priority for placement in a safe spot, adults would take cover in basements.

i recall worrying about air levels but figured if air was low, the person would have to take the risk and crack the refrigerator door open. I eyed our microwave thinking an infant might fit.  I thought of people at the grocery store, fortunate as they could stay in place and be safe in the store's large locked coolers, although it woul be freezing.


do you recall what types of radiation you were concerned about.
An Electromagnetic Pulse is clear from your refrigerator and microwave references of storing sensitive electronics.
However, EMP does not effect people.

Your reference to safe spots for children might imply that other types of radiation (like X-rays) were expected.
Can you confirm?

Also, your dream sounds like Major Ed Dames Remote Viewing prediction (and Dames final seminar in Sat. Sept. 23 in the SF Bay area.)


Messages In This Thread
Prepping for massive solar flare storm - by Iris - 09-17-2017, 07:59 AM
RE: Prepping for massive solar flare storm - by bv141 - 09-17-2017, 08:04 PM

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