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9/28/17 Another Flood?
Eagle, I sure hope we aren't talking about a new flood.  If so, it could be from the already waterlogged locations in Puerto Rico or perhaps when rain arrives out west in the US where major fires have recently occurred.

knight server important common tower upon recognize

hmm. Knight has been a protector (fireman, police, good Samaritan, rescue person etc) in the past for our dreambots.  So, is there a need for a "knight" at a tower.  And is server a person who serves or a computer server , electrical tower or perhaps an airport control tower.?  Look out for tower news.

Messages In This Thread
9/28/17 Another Flood? - by Eagle1 - 09-28-2017, 08:20 AM
RE: 9/28/17 Another Flood? - by twiceblessed9 - 09-28-2017, 05:00 PM
RE: 9/28/17 Another Flood? - by twiceblessed9 - 09-29-2017, 03:03 AM
RE: 9/28/17 Another Flood? - by twiceblessed9 - 09-30-2017, 05:13 PM

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